Map of Wine History

The origins:
Catellani family has been involved in the winery business for centuries with track records dating back 1555 a.C. We are originally from Emilia Romagna region located in the northern part of Italy and our family name origins from the Latin “Catellanus” of which we’ve found references into text books dated 1250 a.C. saying “…Potestas Parmensium de civitate erat tunc temporis dominus Catellanus de Carbonisiis de Bononia, qui non fuit captus quia optime scivit sibi cavere. In glarea fluminis Tari ligaverunt captivos, ut dixit michi dominus Glarattus, qui ibi fuit ligatus. …”. Our forefather Tommaso Catellani in the year 1570 was a tenant-farmer and grape producer under the kingdom of Matilde Di Canossa at the mountainside of Bianello castell. Matilde Di Canossa was a very important and powerful queen at that time controlling all lands above the Christian Church territories. At that time the Cristian priests were in charge of keeping track of the births and deaths acting as a “modern register office” but due the fact that all Churches went burned during the invasions we’ve no track of our Family until 1555 a.C. It is well know that our family has been producing wines under the kingdom of Matilde Di Canossa for over five hundreds year. Generation after generation the know-how was transferred to the older son of the family and production techniques improved at every vintage.

Recent years:
Catellani Vini philosophy and commitments is to maintain the highest quality of our products. This is the only way to preserve the peculiarities of our territory, that in Emilia Romagna, more than in other places, are strongly connected with the ancient traditions of this country. Of course the concept “choosing quality instead of quantity” prevents our company to grow big therefore we prefer to target niches market and lover of the high quality wines. Our production is limited to 80,000 bottles per year. The biological farming business “Catellani Vini” it’s a family management, where the owners personally take care of the vineyard and the wine production. The farming land is 32 hectares and 10 hectares of vineyard D.o.c. and D.o.c.g. The harvest is done strictly by hand using small crates after having carefully determined the time that varies for each vine. After an accurate examination in the vineyard the grapes are brought in the Reggiani cellar which was built using the most advanced technology. Then, before and after the removal of grape stalks, the grapes are further controlled on a double selection table. After a gentle crushing the grapes are dropped in fermentation barrels without the support of any mechanical pump that could damage their fragile property. Our customers are biological wines lover who came directly to our winery for testing and purchasing the products. In the year 2009 few samples of our wines where sent to US for wine-testing and immediately collected great appreciation. Since then every year big portion of our production is sent to US therefore due the limited amount of bottles produced every year booking is taken far in advance.


About myself:
My name is Patrick Catellani and I’m involved in many different businesses such as constructions, boating, entertainments…etc. Wine business never interested me much at first. After graduation I spent 15 years abroad in South America, North Africa and many countries in Asia, enjoy my traveling and creating new business. I recall when I was a child I always neglected my father teachings about wine production finding it very boring. It was only in recent years and after achieving my own success in business that I decided to go back to the routes so I ask to my father to teach me all about wine production. My family is always been very conservative about wine making that’s why we can preserve the higher level of quality. However since I wanted to find a way to expand our wine business without compromise the quality of the product I come up with the idea to start to promoting other small biological high-quality niches wines and spirits producers, not well known in the market yet, but sharing the same business philosophy and dedication like us. In this website you will therefore find selected quality products from the best of the Italian winemakers and spirit producer firms.

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